How I Host this website

Hosting a static site on digital ocean with apache

Relevant technologies:

The Content

I write this website and its blog in html. It's oldschool and occasionally tedious, but it works for me.

For styling, I use bootstrap, which is good for making simple site layouts with minimal effort.

The Hosting

Digital Ocean is a company that offers servers for a monthly rate. I use their cheapest and smallest plan, which costs $5/month and has 1 GB Memory/25GB Storage. Directions for creating a droplet are here. I use CentOS 8 Stream for my image.

Once the droplet is set up, it is a VM that you can SSH to set up however you like. In my case, I use it to host my website with Apache.

The Server

Apache is a web server that was created in 1995. I like using it for a static site because it is simple and easy to set up.

On CentOS, I install Apache with yum: "yum install httpd", and then followed these instructions to set Apache up to serve my website's files.